((From an encounter on Nar Shaddaa's Promenade, July 16, 2015 -- Edited for readability/context.))
The newly appointed Sergeant didn't let old habits die just because of a new job. Nar Shaddaa drew her in just as it always had; promises of cures for all kinds of boredom, if you had enough credits to blow, and placed a low enough value on your life and safety. Nakari walked through the Promenade, the weight of her armor weighing heavily on her slender shoulders; she wondered if she'd ever get used to it. The bouncer at the entry of the cantina gave her, and the twin blasters at her belt, a look, but let her pass unquestioned; ignoring the protests of those waiting in the line. Maybe it was the armor, the new digs as it were; maybe he just knew who it was beneath.
She slowed her pace a little in the long hallway leading down to the cantina floor, listening to the steady pulse of the music resounding in her helmet. When she reached the light at the end of the tunnel, she paused, staring out across the floor, surveying the scene. It wasn't the busiest she'd ever seen it inside, but the usual rabble seemed to be in place. Nakari soon found herself a seat, taking her helmet off to enjoy a cool and intoxicating beverage with a name she'd already forgotten two sips in. Just the way she liked it, say what you want about the Slopes, but the bartenders there knew how to show a girl a good time. Or at least how to dull her senses enough to make her a good target.
It didn't take long before she realized the bar around her was utterly empty. Only one Sith seemed keen to chat, but even he didn't stay long. Soon, she'd abandoned hope of a companion for the evening's adventures all together. She left the cantina, feeling the hard gaze of the Sith and their goons at her back; their low pitched voices carrying taunts they didn't dare speak aloud. She found herself once more on the Promenade, possibly defacing the Hutt statue (though no one could possibly prove that it was her), when she was called out by a Sith from across the way.
(Actual IC conversation as follows
Hrokkvir: "You! Soldier of the Republic!"
Nakari looks the Sith up, then down, climbing down to approach him slowly, eyes narrowing a touch beneath her helmet. "Me."
H: "Indeed. Tell your superiors this, 'No matter what forces they have seen me assemble, nothing has prepared them for what I am rallying.' Our Empire is coming, and so will dawn our New Era."
N: "I'll pass the word along, but I think you sorely underestimate our forces."
Hrokkvir grins a wolfish smile at Nakari.
Nakari smirks back at Hrokkvir.
H: "I highly doubt it. All I have seen from you is a few troopers and sergeants. No officers. They hide behind their desks leaving the rest of you to die. You might possess some courage, that of a cornered rat, but they will die as cowards."
Nakari laughs quietly, shaking her head as she replies, "If you say so."
H: "Tell them, Trooper. And then I suggest that you run. Who knows, you might even survive."
Nakari: "Sergeant." She corrects sternly, "And I never run from a fight.. and neither will my men. We will meet your massed forces... we will meet them with weapons drawn, and lay waste to you and yours.... with prejudice." She reaches up and removes her helmet, staring him down. "Remember this face. It will be the last you see."
H: "Run along little trooper, while you still draw breath." The Sith begins to walk away.
Nakari bids a farewell to Hrokkvir's back with a gesture, "Be seein you, Sith..." She watches him go, and heads back towards the space port, feeling more than a little paranoid. Two days on the job and already being threatened.
Maybe this gig wouldn't be so boring after all... in the meantime... She had a message to deliver.
The newly appointed Sergeant didn't let old habits die just because of a new job. Nar Shaddaa drew her in just as it always had; promises of cures for all kinds of boredom, if you had enough credits to blow, and placed a low enough value on your life and safety. Nakari walked through the Promenade, the weight of her armor weighing heavily on her slender shoulders; she wondered if she'd ever get used to it. The bouncer at the entry of the cantina gave her, and the twin blasters at her belt, a look, but let her pass unquestioned; ignoring the protests of those waiting in the line. Maybe it was the armor, the new digs as it were; maybe he just knew who it was beneath.
She slowed her pace a little in the long hallway leading down to the cantina floor, listening to the steady pulse of the music resounding in her helmet. When she reached the light at the end of the tunnel, she paused, staring out across the floor, surveying the scene. It wasn't the busiest she'd ever seen it inside, but the usual rabble seemed to be in place. Nakari soon found herself a seat, taking her helmet off to enjoy a cool and intoxicating beverage with a name she'd already forgotten two sips in. Just the way she liked it, say what you want about the Slopes, but the bartenders there knew how to show a girl a good time. Or at least how to dull her senses enough to make her a good target.
It didn't take long before she realized the bar around her was utterly empty. Only one Sith seemed keen to chat, but even he didn't stay long. Soon, she'd abandoned hope of a companion for the evening's adventures all together. She left the cantina, feeling the hard gaze of the Sith and their goons at her back; their low pitched voices carrying taunts they didn't dare speak aloud. She found herself once more on the Promenade, possibly defacing the Hutt statue (though no one could possibly prove that it was her), when she was called out by a Sith from across the way.
(Actual IC conversation as follows

Hrokkvir: "You! Soldier of the Republic!"
Nakari looks the Sith up, then down, climbing down to approach him slowly, eyes narrowing a touch beneath her helmet. "Me."
H: "Indeed. Tell your superiors this, 'No matter what forces they have seen me assemble, nothing has prepared them for what I am rallying.' Our Empire is coming, and so will dawn our New Era."
N: "I'll pass the word along, but I think you sorely underestimate our forces."
Hrokkvir grins a wolfish smile at Nakari.
Nakari smirks back at Hrokkvir.
H: "I highly doubt it. All I have seen from you is a few troopers and sergeants. No officers. They hide behind their desks leaving the rest of you to die. You might possess some courage, that of a cornered rat, but they will die as cowards."
Nakari laughs quietly, shaking her head as she replies, "If you say so."
H: "Tell them, Trooper. And then I suggest that you run. Who knows, you might even survive."
Nakari: "Sergeant." She corrects sternly, "And I never run from a fight.. and neither will my men. We will meet your massed forces... we will meet them with weapons drawn, and lay waste to you and yours.... with prejudice." She reaches up and removes her helmet, staring him down. "Remember this face. It will be the last you see."
H: "Run along little trooper, while you still draw breath." The Sith begins to walk away.
Nakari bids a farewell to Hrokkvir's back with a gesture, "Be seein you, Sith..." She watches him go, and heads back towards the space port, feeling more than a little paranoid. Two days on the job and already being threatened.
Maybe this gig wouldn't be so boring after all... in the meantime... She had a message to deliver.