Keeping my troopers in the loop 
Source: Dulfy's post on SWTOR's forums -
Might have missed some, doing a re-listen now
Twitch link:
Alt link for notes:
DPS Changes
Raid Buffs
Training dummies
Channeled Abilities
Accuracy changes
Alacrity changes
Crit changes
Buff/debuff changes
PvP Gear/Expertise
Line of Sight

Source: Dulfy's post on SWTOR's forums -
Might have missed some, doing a re-listen now
Twitch link:
Alt link for notes:
DPS Changes
- We want to look at global DPS. Some classes have exceeded the baseline values we setup. We took the opportunity to get the classes back to the baseline values we wanted (i.e. DPS numbers were creeping up, we toned it down). Players at level 60 will do similar DPS as current level 55s while the 55s in 3.0 will do less DPS than current 55s.
- We also made some changes so that all the mobs in leveling planets etc will now die faster
- Nightmare DF/DP might be get a bit difficult due to these changes but we will make some adjustments.
- Nightmare DF/DP will rolled into an optional part of the new endgame content and might be another path to gear for level 60s by either keeping ultimate comms or adding gear drops from the new operations into them.
Raid Buffs
- Every advanced class now get raid buffs – either all have it or restricted to a specific discipline
- Debuffs that make mobs take more damage from different attacks, armor debuff etc
- Buffs – everyone get healed more etc
- Also raidwide buffs with their own lockouts such as Bloodthrist, alacrity buff, crit chance buff, etc.
- These will be able to be used in PvP, except for arenas.
- The idea of these buffs is to make you to bring players of every base class.
Training dummies
- Operation Dummies on your ship now get a module that allow you to apply all the raid debuffs to it
- DoTs from players can no longer be cleansed. You can still purge them off.
- Cleanses are what healers get to cast on other people. Purges are what people uses on themselves (agent – evasion, assassins – force shroud, sorcs –force barrier)
- The change was made to ensure DoT classes are still viable in PvP
- DoTs from mobs can still be cleared
- Most of the crowd control effects can now be cleansed – adds more team play to PvP.
- Can you force cleanse a tech stun etc? (Don’t think so but don’t quote me on that, we might be getting rid of the concept of types).
- Cooldown of cleansed increased (12s CD)
- If the increased cooldown causes difficulty in content, we will change the content.
- Increased cooldown on interrupts – melee increased to 12s and ranged increased to 18s. Make you pick what to interrupt.
Channeled Abilities
- Channels – abilities that start to happen as soon as you press the button.
- Channels are no longer going to be affected by pushback (it will no longer end sooner or cause you to miss ticks).
- Resource cost of channels now changed so there is a cost per tick instead of a huge upfront cost (mostly a QoL change).
Accuracy changes
- A bunch of passives removed from the skill trees when we changed to the discipline system. We got rid of everyone’s accuracy skills via this change.
- We turned up the accuracy you get from your accuracy rating but you also need to gear up accuracy.
- Tanks in tank stance get a bunch of free accuracy (10% accuracy at the expense of some damage loss).
- Taunt now are able to miss if you don’t have high accuracy – this is mostly a PvP change as we want taunts able to miss so there is not a huge damage reduction.
Alacrity changes
- Alacrity has always been the red haired stepchild of the stats.
- Alacrity will now does the following
- Speed up ability activation, GCD, resource generation
- Speed up dot ticks, duration of channel
- Reduce internal cooldowns on stuff like procs.
- If you have 20% alacrity, you should be hitting all of your buttons 20% faster
Crit changes
- No changes to crit, we might have to make changes sometimes to make it better.
Buff/debuff changes
- Images:
- Effect procs - Abilities that benefits from procs are now highlighted on your hotbar when the proc is active.
- Player debuffs and player buffs bars are now separated – this is just for the player frame at the moment and not for focus or raid frames.
- You can now also control how the buffs/debuffs expand and how many are present per row
- Highlight effects – any effects you apply yourself (i.e. buffs, debuffs) can now be highlighted. You could filter it so the highlight could be any duration, 1 min or below, 5 mins or below, 1 hr or below.
- Sorting options – personal effects can now be sorted to the front. Effects can also be sorted by apply time, total duration, by time remaining.
- There are some improvements to the raid frames that may not make it to 3.0. The lockouts on the raid buffs could clutter the raid frames and we are looking into it.
- Not something that is guaranteed – we are looking to sort debuffs by those that can be cleansed first.
- Bolster will now take account of player’s augments in 3.0. Augments are no longer free stats.
- Bolster will give you augment stats but not the best augments obviously.
- Aiming for 20-25% gear difference between newbie and most geared PvPers. Augments were responsible for 16% of your power in 2.0.
PvP Gear/Expertise
- We are not striping the expertise off current PvP gear like we did in 2.0 for War Hero stuff.
- Expertise cap not changing – 2018 expertise is still the cap.
- Better PvP gear will have more stats, not expertise.
- 3.0 will bring two new PvP sets – warzone and ranked warzone comms
- High level PvE gear will not get as much expertise from bolster.
Line of Sight
- Most ranged attacks have 180 LoS, now we are changing it to 270. This change was done mostly for FoV people play it on screen and make it so that it is harder for players to escape your abilities.
- Q: Are healers and tanks expected to respec to DPS to level though content
- A: It shouldn't be an issue, DPS leveling will be slightly easier
- Q: Taunts can now miss on Operation bosses?
- A: Dependent on the operation boss, the system now allow this capacity and some bosses can have buffs that have extra defense to force players to gear up accuracy.
- Q: Bolster – Full level 55 PvP gear and max expertise. If you go a level 60 warzone, will your stats be increased.
- A: Expertise and stats change are separately handled by bolster. If your stats are lower it will be increased.
- Q: What happen to warzone and ranked warzone comms in 3.0?
- A: Get you an answer tomorrow or next week. The answer is likely nothing but we will find out for sure.
- Q: Can you explain lower damage at level 60
- A: If you are at 186 gear at 55, when you login your DPS will come down. If you equip the 198 gear and be level 60, your DPS will be similar to current 55s with 186 gear.
- Q: New color crystals?
- A: There might be one tied to PvP
- Q: Any change to +41 color crystals
- A: No changes to +41 color crystals. No plan to increase it further.
- Q: Will augments and augment kits go up in level?
- A: Yes
- Q: Increasing secondary stats on augments like crit, alacrity to make them desirable compared to main stats?
- A: I havn’t done a full scan of the augments, but I would be surprised if the secondary stats are increased
- Q: Set bonuses same for PvP/PvE?
- Yes but you can’t equip PvP or PvE gear to push up set bonuses. PvP/PvE gear have the same bonuses but they are technically different set.
- Q: Will cleanses work on all CC?
- Anything with duration will work (i.e. no knockbacks)
- Q: How does alacrity affect classes those without resource regen like JK
- You activate abilities faster so you get resources faster
- Q: Accuracy in PvP – will there be much changes?
- A: Not really. You won’t notice much unless you are going up against someone geared for defense.
- Q: Main stat passive removed from discipline tree?
- A: Also gone for the most part