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See the Galaxy, Join Alpha Company
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Alpha Company

Temp Acoy video from SWG.

Guild Story:

Coming Soon

This is the standpoint of our guild members in the grand RP scheme of things:

How other players might view members of our guild:

Other information:

Recruitment Requirements:

  • Recruits MUST be at least 18 years old in real life, to be accepted into the guild. NO EXCEPTIONS will be made, unless you were a prior member of an Alpha Company guild, and then you will be subject to additional training.
  • Recruit MUST have a name acceptable to RP standards. Names that ARE NOT acceptable include but are not limited to leet names, names that spell out phrases, names that are copyrighted, or names that go against lore. Such names may be acceptable by game standards, but they are not acceptable by ours.
  • At this time, all Republic classes will be accepted to the guild, however we will try to maintain a ratio of 70% troopers to the other classes. (temporary suspended)
  • Recruits MUST be willing to participate in PVP when called to do so! See Code of Conduct for more details.
  • Recruits MUST be average height and weight, for a soldier.
  • Recruits MUST have at least a combat level of ## and have completed the starting area prior to joining.
  • Recruits MUST have a good knowledge of Star Wars lore.
  • Recruits MUST have left prior guild in good standings, if applicable.
  • Recruits are strongly encouraged to download and use Ventrilo (see Appendix #2 for details). Even if you don't have a mic you can still listen. This WILL BE required for all raids.
  • Recruits must be entering their main character into the guild. Alts will be allowed into the guild on a case by case bases. You must have your "Main" in the guild, and have reached level ## on that character. Your alt must meet all the above requirements, and you will be limited to one alt in the guild.

General Non RP Information about the guild:

Alpha Company is a guild formed by a tight knit group of friends that have been playing MMOs and other games together for the better part of five years now. Alpha Company's main focus in this MMO just like others before it will be Role-playing. That is not to say that we only focus on RP, we also enjoy the other aspects that this game has to offer such as PvP, Raiding and crafting.

Officer Contact List:


Coming soon!

This guild is for you if...

  • enjoy the RPing aspect that MMOs have to offer.
  • enjoy working as a unit.

This guild is NOT for you if...

  • CANNOT put yourself second and the guild first.
  • enjoy ganking and spawncamping.
  • cannot remain IC for all general chat (/say).

Those wishing to join should first:

  1. Visit our SWTOR guild website.
  2. Click the picture on the left hand side.
  3. Read the entire training manual.
  4. If you meet the requirements, you can submit an application. A link to do so can be found a Section #9 of the Training Manual.


Coming Soon!

Other Guild History:

The game that started it all was Star Wars Galaxies. The leadership of Alpha Company is the same leadership that was responsible for the famous Alpha Company (A Coy) on the Valcyn Server.

Alpha Company has also played other MMOs such as LORTO (Riders of the Riddermark), Pirates of the Burning Sea (West Indies Squadron) and WOW (Wipe Club).