First Sergeant's Topics:

Guild Mentoring System

September 5th Event

Upcoming Training

Lieutenant's Topics:

Company Commander's Topics:

General Topics:

Reminder from the June meeting last year: If there is a scheduled Alpha Company event you will attend on an Alpha Company character. Being on an alternative character at that time will result in being demoted to Specialist, or removal for repeat offenders. This includes CTAs unless directed by an Officer or 1st Sergeant. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Caveat - If during the event another profession is required and you have that profession in another guild and are asked to attend that is a Command (1SG and above) Exception.

RP Campaign:

I am hoping to have another one sometime before the expansion, but it will be subject to my schedule, if I can get it worked in our not.

Next Conquest:

The next conquest will be in two to three weeks. Check the forums and MOTD for announcement details closer to that date.

Uniform Changes:

Ghost Uniform: Ghosts will now use the Black / Light Gray dye for there uniforms. The gloves that Ghost Squad uses are being changed to "Fortified Assault Gauntlets" to cut down on the grind for those wishing to be part of Ghost Squad.

Dress uniforms now also require "Fortified Assault Gauntlets" for the gloves.


Silver Star of the Republic: Ricky

Bronze Star of the Republic: Riike

Legion of Combat: Addelle, Derzis, Dronos, Duno'van, Eroca, Gorale, Groderick, Illumori, Jukota, Kateri, Kirby, Kjvago, Mij, Nakari, Qorbin, Ranque, Ricky, Riike, Thavious, Vejovis, Zidd.

Combined Arms Metal: Addelle, Derzis, Dronos, Duno'van, Eroca, Gorale, Illumori, Jukota, Kateri, Kirby, Kjvago, Mij, Nakari, Qorbin, Ranque, Ricky, Riike, Thavious, Vejovis, Zidd.

Medal of Communication: Dronos, Kjavago, Qorbin, Ranque, Ricky, Thavious


Dronos - Sergeant.

Thavious - Company Quartermaster


A select few of the NCO's and Officers have not been pulling their weight, or meeting the expectations of the rank that they hold. As such over the course of the next few weeks, Mij and I will be meeting with those individuals, one on one to discuss solutions.

Q and A

Q: December meetup specifics/details? We need a head count.
A: We need to get on everyone's ass. Maybe make a new GroupMe channel. Feel free to bring family/friends.