II. Mission:
Alpha Company will conduct a pacification operation in the "Glacial Fissure" area of Hoth.
III. Execution
A. Intent:
Our forces will deploy to the area and achieve all assigned tasks in a timely and efficient manner. High priority is to be placed upon troop welfare and force protection at all times. We will move quickly and safely to accomplish our assigned mission acquiring all livestock and intelligence data required for the Republic to be successful in its endeavors on Hoth, while still maintaining our high standards of performance and professionalism."
B. Concept of Operation:
Alpha Company will deploy from Aurek Base at 2115 Galactic Standard Time (EST) and board speeder transport to Outpost Senth. From there they proceed on mount to "RP-Red". Alpha Company will move to OBJ-1 in force, neutralizing enemy personnel, and destroy any heavy weapons emplacements. Alpha Company will collect what Intel they can before moving to "RP-Green" Alpha Company will then shift to OBJ-2, securing the objective and set demolition charges. Once the charges are in place Alpha Company will Ex-fill back to "RP-Green" at wait for detonation.
C. Coordinating Instructions:
1. Order of Movement, Formations, and movement techniques:
No later than (NLT) 2100h Alpha Company will stage at the Assembly Area. Combat inspections will be completed NLT 2115h, Alpha Company will then board a Shuttle to "Senth". Following that Alpha Company will proceed on mount to OBJ-1RP. NTL 2130h, Alpha Company will begin pacification operations following mission orders.
2. Action at halts:
Alpha Company will follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) at all halts.
3. Routes (primary / alternate):
4. Grid Points:
F.O.B.: Outpost Senth ( -868, -980)
Rally Point - Red: (-259, 462)
OBJ-1: (-431, 335)
Rally Point - Green: (-587, 622)
OBJ-2: (-650, 852)
6. Actions on Enemy Contact:
Upon contact with the enemy, Alpha Company will attempt to take that enemy prisoner, confirm their identity, and collect as much Intel on site as possible. Alpha Company will return fire at enemy personnel if fired upon, if they are interfering with mission orders, or at the discretion of the “Command Staff”.
7. Rules of Engagement (RoE)
Personnel, including non-biological, at OBJ-1 or OBJ-2, will be engaged with deadly force. Otherwise Alpha Company will follow standard RoE.
V. Service Support
A. Medical Evacuation
Soldiers that have sustained wounds will be pulled to the rear of the battle line to be assessed by medical personnel. Soldiers that have wounds that are deemed to be life threating in nature will be evaced to Aurek Base for stabilization, and then flown to the “Repulse” of treatment and recovery. Causalities will be sent to the nearest outpost, for pickup.
B. Personnel:
All captured enemy personnel will be silenced, searched, documented, and securely transported to rear echelon elements for interrogation and debriefing. All Enemy Prisoners of War (EPW) will be processed through the 211th MP Detachment's internment facility located within Aurek Base.
IV. Signal
A. SOI index in effect (Freqs, Call Signs):
Secured Comms - (Ops)
Distress Comms - (ACRC)
Control (Command Staff): "Anvil"
Squad One: "Thunder"
Squad Two: "Dice"
Ghost: "Hammer"