To: cc: Subject: Alpha Company Application *** Personal Information *** What is your name? [Real_Life_Name] Are you over the age of 18? [Over_the_age_of_18] Age: [Age] Email: [Email] Alpha Company Online Forum Name: [AlphaCompanyForumUserName] SWTOR Official Forum Username: [SWTOROfficalForumUserName] Time Zone: [TimeZone] List any MMO's that you have or are currently playing. Anarchy Online [AnarchyOnline] City of Hero's / Villains [CityofHeros] Dark Age of Camelot [DarkAgeofCamelot] Eve Online [EveOnline] Everquest [EQ] Everquest II [EQ2] Guild Wars [GuildWars] Lineage [Lineage] Lineage II [LineageII] Lord of the Rings Online [LOTRO] Shadowbane [Shadowbane] Star Wars Galaxies [SWG] Ultima Online [UltimaOnline] Ultima Online 2 [UltimaOnline2] World of Warcraft [WOW] Pirates of the Burning Sea [POTBS] Age of Conan [AOC] Warhammer Online [Warhammer] Other: [OtherMMO] *** General Application *** Character Name: [CharacterName] Combat Level: [CombatLevel] Race: [Race] Template: [Template] Advanced Class: [AdvancedClass] Combat Role: [Role] Crafting: [Crafting] Character Gender: [Gender] Where you a member of another guild in SWTOR? [Memberofadifferentguild] Name of Previous Guild: [PreviousGuild] Leader: [Leader] Did you leave in a acceptable manner? [AcceptableManner] if no, Explain: [AMExplain] List of alts on the Jung Ma Server: Alt #1 [Alt1Name] Class: [Alt1Class] Advanced Class: [Alt1AClass] Alt #2 [Alt2Name] Class: [Alt2Class] Advanced Class: [Alt2AClass] Alt #3 [Alt3Name] Class: [Alt3Class] Advanced Class: [Alt3AClass] Alt #4 [Alt4Name] Class: [Alt4Class] Advanced Class: [Alt4AClass] Alt #5 [Alt5Name] Class: [Alt5Class] Advanced Class: [Alt5AClass] Alt #6 [Alt6Name] Class: [Alt6Class] Advanced Class: [Alt6AClass] Alt #7 [Alt7Name] Class: [Alt7Class] Advanced Class: [Alt7AClass] Alt #8 [Alt8Name] Class: [Alt8Class] Advanced Class: [Alt8AClass] How long have you played SWTOR?: [HowLongHaveYouPlayed] How many hours a week do you play SWTOR? [Hours] What best describes you RP Level? [RPLevel] Are you experienced in PVP? [PvPExperienced] Where did you hear about Alpha Company? [WhereDidYouHear] Name of Guild Member: [GuildMemberName] Other: [OtherText] Are you prepared for the application process [AppProcess] Why do you wish to join Alpha Company? [WhyDoYouWishToJoin] How will your membership possibly benefit Alpha Company? [HowWillYourMembershipPossiblyBenefitAlphaCompany] Give us some in depth info about your RP experience and how you intend to RP a Trooper to a level that will make your service in A Coy stand out. [RPexperience] You're on a patrol, and your presence is detected. You are compromised and outnumbered 2 to 1. What do you do? [CoverCompromised] I have completely read the Training Manual. [TrainingManual] I hereby certify all the information is truthful: [Truth] I hereby give up all rights to privacy: [Privacy] Other Comments: [Comments]