

Military Covenant

Soldiers will be called upon to make personal sacrifices – including the ultimate sacrifice –; in the service of the Republic. In putting the needs of the Republic and the Army before their own, they forego some of the rights enjoyed by those outside ... See more
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Enlistment Request

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  • Enlistment Request

    *** Personal Information ***
    Are you over the age of 18? Yes
    Time Zone: Eastern
    Character Class: Trooper - Vanguard
    Real Life Information:
    Age: 40
    Occupation: Mechanical Engineer

    I'm originally from NYC, but I now live and work in NJ. My wife and I have a son and we are considering a second.

    Besides playing this game, my other hobbies are cooking, firearms, and travel.

    I've been plaaying SWTOR since February 2013, but have only decided to get into RP lately as my PvE guild (Grievance) on Jedi Covenant has lost most of its members to other games.

    Where did you hear about Alpha Company?
    Other: YouTube

    *** Character Application ***
    Name: Kaz Yon Tang
    Designator: FE-809
    Primary Specialization: Intelligence Analyst
    Secondary Specialization: Military Police

    Flight Qualifications: NONE
    Bomber Escort:

    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: 32
    Height: 1.9
    Homeworld: Tython
    Bloodtype: A+

    Character Bio:
    Kaz Yon Tang was born on Tython to homesteaders along with his younger brother and younger sister. As a child he loved to roam the wilds of Tython and hunt with his father.

    After completing basic training, he was PCS'ed to be stationed on Nerit, a moon of Ossus in the Outer Rim. Based on his score on the ASVAB, Tang was placed as a member of the Republic military's intelligence and operations division. His unit's main mission was to aid the SIS in setting up and manning of listening posts in the sector.

    Upon completion of the mission there on Nerit, his unit was sent back to the core worlds and were tasked with gathering field intelligence, maintenance of unmanned signals intelligence equipment, and aiding local units in COIN related missions. Later on in that tour, his squad was specifically tasked to provide support to units on Taris dealing with civil unrest.

    Current statuus: Awaiting PCS to serve with the 203rd Alpha Company

    **** For Office Use Only ***
    Application Approval:
    Reason for Denial:

    IC Interview conducted by:
    OCC Interview conducted by:

    Invited by:
    Enlistment Date:
    Last edited by Kaz_Yon_Tang; 08-27-2016, 10:04 PM. Reason: typo

  • #2
    At this time, we are in a low-activity state due to several reasons with most senior members. As such, we have suspended recruiting for the moment, it's projected we'll be up and running again around the beginning of October.

    I do want to thank you for your interest and apologize for the inconvenience.

    Captain Dany Galaar
    Executive Officer, 203rd REL

    Honor your opponent, for without him you have no glory.


    • #3
      Captain Galaar

      Will you be opening recruitment efforts back up at this point in time?



      • #4
        We will not be at this time. Until further notice our SWTOR operations are suspended.

        Honor your opponent, for without him you have no glory.


        • #5
          Suspended? That is indeed a sad loss. Time to form up anew, and carry the flame on.

