

Military Covenant

Soldiers will be called upon to make personal sacrifices – including the ultimate sacrifice –; in the service of the Republic. In putting the needs of the Republic and the Army before their own, they forego some of the rights enjoyed by those outside ... See more
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Enlistment Application for Scout Gunnison

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  • Enlistment Application for Scout Gunnison

    *** Personal Information ***
    Are you over the age of 18? Yes
    Time Zone: Eastern Character
    Class: Trooper - Commando
    Real Life Information:
    ello! I have played SWTOR since launch (founder) and, due to the current group content drought, am looking to experience different aspects of the game to avoid unsubbing. I come from a military family and grew up overseas, moving from base to base. I have never RP'd before but Alpha Company sure seems like a great place to start. My friends in SWTOR call me Punkt. Nice to meet you all!

    Where did you hear about Alpha Company? Official Recruitment Post,


    *** Character Application ***
    Name: Scout Gunnison
    Designator RC-717
    Primary Specialization: Medic Infiltration Specialist
    Secondary Specialization:
    Flight Qualifications:
    Scout: Fighter:
    Gunship: Bomber Escort:

    Race: Human
    Gender: Female
    Age: 33
    Height: 1.6m (5'4)
    Home-world: Balmorra
    Blood-type: B- Character

    Bio: Scout was born to a poor family on occupied Balmorra. Father was kind but had no backbone or opinions as it pertained to their situation on the polluted, overrun planet. Scout never met her mother. Not much was ever said... and nobody asked. Scout wanted to make a difference in the galaxy and wanted to be a part of something bigger than herself. She found a home with Alpha Company, serving the Republic faithfully and honorably.

    **** For Office Use Only ***
    Application Approval:
    Reason for Denial:

    IC Interview conducted by:
    OCC Interview conducted by:

    Invited by:
    Last edited by Kjvago; 05-24-2016, 09:34 PM.

  • #2

    Thank you for your interest in joining Alpha Company, 203rd Republic Expeditionary Legion.

    The following is an outline of the entry process into Alpha Company:
    • You will read the Training Manual thoroughly and make sure you meet all the requirements for our applicants (listed on page three). If you have questions about any of the requirements, please speak to one of our NCOs.
    • Once your basic eligibility has been confirmed, you and an NCO will conduct an IC (In-Character) and an OOC (Out-Of-Character) interview. At your earliest convenience please contact one of our NCOs in-game to schedule your interviews. It is your responsibility to get in contact with us. Do not contact officers.
    • If you pass the interview process, you will be accepted into the company with the probationary rank of Trooper (TPR).
    • Once you complete the requirements outlined in the Training Manual: Addendum A-2, you will promoted to the full-member rank of Specialist (SPC).
    We wish you luck with your application.

    1LT. Kjvago Mahr
    "Fear is the mind-killer."


    • #3
      Additionally, when I try to add you to my friendslist you don't exist. Do you have any alt-code letters in your name?
      "Fear is the mind-killer."

