I'll do a final AAR after I hear some comments from everyone in attendence. I want to make sure this training was worthwhile and informative and even enjoyable and fun as a guild. So if anyone who was in attendance could leave some feedback, I'd appreciate it so I can make sure that I can change things that weren't fun and add more things that were.
I have some ideas of writing out mission plans which will instruct groups to complete a set of objectives using the techniques taught that night. I'd like to start implementing this along with any other ideas in the next class in 2 weeks.
Please leave any feedback you have that pertains to the class.
I have some ideas of writing out mission plans which will instruct groups to complete a set of objectives using the techniques taught that night. I'd like to start implementing this along with any other ideas in the next class in 2 weeks.
Please leave any feedback you have that pertains to the class.