Division of the Republic Army
After Action Report
Unit Information
Unit: Alpha Company, 203rd REL
C.O.: MAJ Qorbin Oca
Deployment Report
Planet: Naboo (ICly)
Formation Size: 8
Troops in Formation:
MAJ Qorbin Oca
CPT Mij Galaar
1LT Kjvago Mahr
1SG Ranque Runninglighter
SGT Kateri Andriss
CPL Eroca Romaniski
SPC Aradow Cabur
SPC Ronos Starfollower
TRP Percer Zald
Areas Patrolled: Qorbins Yavin IV Stronghold
Initial Contact: 2100 EST
Contact Report
Enemy Encountered: None
Friendly/Neutral Encountered: <C I A>, <Seelund Cartel>, <Fire Ferrets>, <Voices of the Fallen>, <Dread Imperium>, <Marine Expeditionary Unit>
Contact Summary:
A trial was held for Violet-sky Rollins, the headmaster of Chorba Intelligence Academy, at a secure location on the planet Naboo. Violet-sky was accused of war crimes. The presiding judges were First Sergeant Ranque Runninglighter, Retired Major Blaake Henries and Retired Major Caddphaps.
Her defense team was Shay MacAuliffe and Celtus. The prosecution was represented by Corporal Eroca Romaniski.
The trial started with opening statements and then the prosecutions first witness, Lieutenant Kjvago Mahr, was called up. Lieutenant Mahr was the arresting officer and was asked to describe the circumstances that led to Violet-skys capture as well as to establish Violet-skys membership in the New Era among other things.
Next, the prosecution discussed a piece of submitted evidence. A heavily redacted set of intelligence documents related to the New Eras invasion of Alderaan. The evidence was submitted as proof of the New Eras war crimes attacking the civilian population of Alderaan.
After that, Aurhia Seelund was called to the stand. As a business owner and a citizen of Corellia, she was questioned about the devastation and destruction caused by the New Eras attack on her home planet as an emotional appeal.
Next to the stand was a mandalorian named Duraz Dhakal. He was questioned about a New Era meeting he attended on the topic of superweapons. When it became the defenses turn to cross-examine him the mandalorian was angered and his outbursts got him removed from the courtroom.
Lastly the prosecution called Violet-sky herself to the stand. She was questioned with regard to her knowledge of the New Eras war crimes and super weapons programs. When given time to cross-examine, the defense instead made a motion to dismiss all charges.
The judges left the room to discuss and when they came back, instead of dismissing the charges they were changed to espionage. After being given time to argue the new charges and make closing statements the judges left to discuss again. When they came back, Violet-sky was declared not guilty but given a warning that if any C I A was found committing espionage upon the Republic in the future, they would all be charged.
Positive Points:
Fantastic turnout
Very good RP
Negative Points:
Some negative people
The event ran long
Overall Assessment and Recommendation: Very good event considering all the people involved and all the moving parts.
Report Filed By: LT Kjvago Mahr