After Action Report
Unit Information
Unit: Alpha Company, 203rd REL
C.O.: MAJ Qorbin Oca
Deployment Report
Planet: Yavin IV, Yavin System
Formation Size: 12
Troops in Formation:
MAJ Qorbin Oca
CPT Mij Galaar
LT Kjvago Mahr
1SG Ranque Runninglighter
SGT Dronos Eos
CPL Derzis Derzelas
CPL Eroca Romaniski
SPC Ronos Starfollower
SPC Aradow Cabur
SPC Krixus Olafsson
SPC Thavius
TPR Percer Zald
Areas Patrolled: All five major occupied zones on Yavin IV
Initial Starting Point: Republic Alcove Camp, Temple Ruins Zone
Rest Point:
- Republic Forward Camp, Verdant Swamps
Contact Report
Enemy Encountered: <Imperial High Council>, <Apocalyptic Harbingers>, <Forsaken Legion>, <Legacy of Darkness>, <Inheritors>, <Mandalorian Legion>, <PMC Trust>, <Chorba Intelligence Academy>
Friendly/Neutral Encountered:<Marine Expeditionary Unit>, <The True Republic>, <Celestial Argonauts>, <Voices of the Fallen>, <The New Order>, <Santuary>
Zones Patrolled:
- Temple Ruins Zone
- Training Grounds Zone
- Verdant Swamp Zone
- Large Tunnel known as, The Breaking Tunnels.
- Prowlers Trail
:::::::::: [Incoming Transmission] ........
[Sergeant Dronos Eos]
Dronos Eos3 (2).jpg
Greetings 203rd, this is Sergeant Eos reporting in with an update on our latest patrol on the fourth moon of Yavin. For weeks SIS has coordinated with our recon forces on Imperial movement within and around old Yavin temples. With conclusive evidence given researched and screened by our Recon Forces, that the Sith and their allies were excavating valued rare Sith artifacts. Due to section, the Republic has made it a priority that all artifacts laid undisturbed and out of enemy hands. Alpha Company scheduled a patrol at 1100 hours to explore and weed out all Imperials, with force if necessary.
To avoid attracting attention from surrounding systems, we deployed in smaller scout ships to avoid being tracked by pirate surveillance around the Yavin system. Our rendezvous was Alcove Republic Base, located on the foothills close to high rising mountains to the south of the Temple Ruins. At 1300 hours we assembled with Republic Jedi and fellow Marines and reported in on Recons latest Intel. During this time, Recon, led by Lieutenant Mahr, discovered an uncharted Imperial outpost to north of our then current location. Major Oca ordered Sergeant Eos, myself, to lead out the allied squads to explore and clear the entire southern regions of the moon while the Lieutenant and his team collected and recorded new Intel.
At 1415 hours, the allied coalition arrived in the Verdant Swamps region. A hidden pro-Republic outpost, allowed the forces to gather and resupply the squads before taking the long journey to the northern regions of the moon. At 1456 hours, Ghost Recon reported enemy contact landing in small scout ships to the recently discovered Imperial outpost. Two squads worth of Imperial and affiliates were seen delivering supplies to what looked like Czerka engineers. At 1500 hours new orders by Major Oca were passed to the coalition to; search and capture Imperial excavators, arrest any Imperial or prop-Imperial soldiers, or use lethal force if needed to prevent Sith artifacts from being exported. At 1505 hours, the 203rd and its allies deployed from the Verdant Swamps Outpost to the northern caverns which led towards the new Imperial Outpost. Upon entering the caverns, Corporal Romaniski and a fellow Jedi were ambushed by Mandalorian scouts equipped with stealth technology. Because of intended lethal force used on our Corporal, we killed six pro-Imperial suspects and chased two others who escaped through a small tunnel leading to the Yavin Training Grounds. Corporal Romaniski was suffered minor second degree burns, but kolto was able to keep her in the fight.
At 1530 hours, all caves were cleared before entering the Temple Training Grounds zone. More than seven Imperial suspects engaged with heavy artillery and force abilities to try and kill our allied squads. The small skirmish lasted about an hour before the last Sith was killed in the foothills. The allied coalition traveled north towards the Imperial Outpost, where Recon was currently located. At 1630 hours, The coalition arrived about 200 kilometers east of the Imperial outpost. At 1632 hours, Ghost recon reported in a large Imperial force headed towards our location. With a large force, Major Oca gave new orders to to engage the enemy with lethal force if they threatened or used any type of force on our squads. With disappointment, the Sith and their thugs decided to to engage the coalition at 1653.
With strong hold on the plateau where our troops were positioned, we were able to push back the enemy back across the ravine from which they came from. I called for an offensive attack against the enemy in order to control the ridge and ravine. Without losing any valued life, we were successful in killing off the enemy. At 1715, we marched towards the discovered Imperial outpost. Initially, only small two-man walkers protected the outpost. Scout ships above reported multiple drop ships coming out of hyperspace and heading straight towards our location. A large Imperial ground force landed to defend the outpost and eliminate our forces. Our coalition set up two large extended lines just beyond the borders of the the Imperial outpost in order to cut off any final trade going or out of the area. 1730 hours, Imperial forces engaged Alpha Company and its allies. Ghost Recon continued to coordinate with the main forces by reporting in valued Intel on; Imperial forces, weak defense points, and positioning of the enemy throughout the attack. For a couple hours, both forces were entrenched in a back and forth fight. Strong will and experience carried our forces throughout the afternoon heading into the early evening.
At 2000 hours, Imperial Walkers and ground forces set up for a final push against coalition forces. Due to intense pressure and advancement, we were forced to retreat back to Alcove Camp to rally our forces and reorganize. Casualties were heavy, we lost many Jedi and allied Republic troopers. Ghost Recon reported that all Imperial troopers had been sent out to attempt to take over Alcove Camp. 2100 hours, Maj Oca sent in new orders to counter the Imps and push them back to their Outpost. Sergeant Eos, myself, led out the coalition forces and engaged the Imperials. With intense fighting both sides lost many troopers. Company forces suffered many injuries, but we pushed on through and around Massassi camps and territory. At 2300 hours, coalition forces pushed the Imperial forces back towards their Outpost forcing them to make a final stand. Their remaining forces were exhausted and weak. Ghost Recon informed us, their supply depots were empty, they had nothing but their heavy feet to try and fight us off.
2330 Hours, Imperial forces sent out a representative to discuss a cease fire. Command ordered coalition forces to arrest all Imps as prisoners of war, confiscate all Intel and supplies. We were able to recover all of the Sith artifacts that were excavated and sent those out back out to the Alrek for research and shipment back to headquarters.
That is it for this official briefing, this recording and report will be sent to our classified database. Ill see you all out in training. Fight As one, Eos out.
:::::::::: [Transmission End] .......
Positive Points:
- We had our biggest WPvP fight in months! About a full ops group for each side at one point.
- Everyone was basically on time or early.
- Over 1.5 hours of pure WPvP
- The Squads attacked great.
- Each call or order was done quickly.
- Voice-comms was respected across the board.
- We did a really good job of keeping our composure and following through with orders, even when everything's got laggy or tough against larger numbers we held our ground very well.
- Had a new applicant apply because the player enjoyed the fight.
- Everyone had fun.
Negative Points:
- Not very good use of stealth scans.
- Focused too much on keeping formations during calls of contact by Recon. This resulted in a missed opportunity to defeat the enemy quickly.
- Did not cover the rear of our position with Vanguards when we were positioned between two roads where the enemy eventually tried to ambush us on.
- Did not use the advantage of terrain to the fullest extent.
- Because there was many more units than anticipated, lowering graphics down a little or to the lowest of settings wasnt done. This recommendation could have made the lag spikes less of an issue during most of the fighting.
Overall Assessment and Recommendation: This patrol was a complete success in regards to a week or so of planning and coordinating with Imperial guilds to show up in numbers and give us one hell of a WPvP fight. I am proud to all those who logged on and supported Alpha Company and its allies in the fight against the Imperial opposition. Overall, the 203rd had many victories when we did engage the enemy. Focus fire was one of the big highlights of this patrol. When targets were called out, everyone stayed in unison followed through with orders. For about 1.5 hours of fighting the Company kept its composure and stayed in formation as best they could through the heavy fighting. Recon played a big role in giving us quality information on what to expect from the Imperials. After we got wiped in their surprise attack, we fought hard and picked them off one by one until we evened the score and held our ground by the Massassi Camp Grounds. Lots of allies came to help when we needed it, no disrespect in OOC chat at all.
Of course nothing is perfect, and thats why we reflect on AARs like this to better ourselves overall. To an extent we can be forgiven for being rusty on the basics because we have not had a large WPvP fight like this in months. We have to push our troopers to attend the courses all over again as a refresher so that consistent reminders for scans are not repeated on voice-comms. As the lead trooper in this fight, I did not responded to Ghost Recons contact information fast enough in the beginning. When leading a big fight, at one point I was repeating target calls a little too often and had to tone it down a bit to a level where my voice sounded more calm. This is important because people sometimes may feed off the tone of voice and panic or not understand. 1SG Ranque was helpful enough to pm me during the fight keep me in check which was a good thing. Terrain use was not top notch, even though I played it safe to my strengths, there was some lost opportunities on a couple areas where terrain could have used to our advantage. No game changing mistakes happened, but it is the smaller things that need improvement so that we could maximize our performance overall.
One Minor Note: At the very end, they chose WZ instead of continuing to fight us seems they just lost some steam lol
Report Filed By: SGT Eos