Division of the Republic Army
After Action Report
Unit Information
Unit: Alpha Company, 203rd REL
C.O.: MAJ Qorbin Oca
Deployment Report
Planet: Hoth
Formation Size: 10
Troops in Formation:
MAJ Qorbin Oca
1SG Kjvago Mahr
1SG Ranque Runninglighter
SGT Kateri Andriss
CPL Derzis Derzelas
SPC Aradow Cabur
SPC Eroca Romaniski
SPC Krixus Olafsson
SPC Roran Starfollower
TRP Sophialaund
Areas Patrolled: Glacial Fissure
Initial Contact: 2100 EST
Contact Report
Enemy Encountered: 8 <Forsaken Legion>
Friendly/Neutral Encountered: None
Contact Summary:
Alpha Company personnel gathered at Outpost Senth in the Glacial Fissure region of Hoth in order to conduct a patrol. As soon as we left the outpost we got word from Ghost Squad about enemies in the region.
We found out the enemy was fortified on a nearby hill and engaged them by pulling them out of their fortification before taking it for ourselves. They attempted to take the hill back but we defeated their counter attack by keeping our strong point and making good use of mortar fire.
We left the hill in order to range further south, as we passed by an enemy medical center we were attacked and a fighting retreat to the ice wall south of the medical center was ordered several times but not listened to as the group almost backed up into the fissure from which the local region takes its name. The group got spread out and a few casualties were taken before the enemy assault was beaten back by luck and numbers.
We travelled further south carefully and were engaged several times more by the enemy to no effect as they attacked a now properly formed unit with a strung out formation of individual attackers charging in one by one to die. The Imperials finally gave up and fled to lick their wounds.
We finished the patrol by heading further south to see if we could kill Snowblind, but found him already dead. We then headed east to take out the local Imperial Commander before ending the patrol.
Positive Points:
Great turnout
Fast response to commands
Negative Points:
Some comms discipline issues.
One instance of slow repositioning during a fight.
Some members not listening to focus target.
Overall Assessment and Recommendation: Good turnout and well fought everyone. We need to get better at staying in formation and listening to movement commands. The ops leader is often marked for just this reason, so you can easily find them and stay with them.
Report Filed By: 1SG Kjvago Mahr