Division of the Republic Army
After Action Report
Unit Information
Unit:Alpha Company, 203rd REL
C.O.: MAJ Qorbin Oca
Deployment Report
Planet: Alderaan
Formation Size: 2
Troops in Formation:
1SG Kjvago Mahr
TRP Sibrius Brewmaster
Areas Patrolled: Alderaan
Initial Contact: 1900 EST
Contact Report
Enemy Encountered: None
Friendly/Neutral Encountered: None
Contact Summary:
We arrived on planet and headed North from Wardpost Luurdes through King's Pass past Outpost Talarn and into the Juran Mountains. Due to a lack of numbers we did not engage the Imperial Commander as we passed by.
Then we headed West across the river by House Alde and North past Wardpost Landa and into Glarus Valley. There we engaged the Ulgo Siegebreaker, but due to a lack of healers were unable to beat it, before ending the patrol at Wardpost Hurne.
Positive Points:
An AAR for Sibrius.
Negative Points:
A terrible turnout.
Overall Assessment and Recommendation: Alpha Company had terrible attendance for this patrol.
Report Filed By: 1SG Kjvago Mahr