Division of the Republic Army
After Action Report
Unit Information
Unit: Alpha Company 203rd REL
C.O.: MAJ Qorbin Oca

Deployment Report

Planet: Nar Shaddaa
Formation Size: 8
Troops in Formation:
1SG Kjvago Mahr
CPL Illumori Victus
SPC Eroca Romaniski
SPC Aradow Cabur
SPC Etilus Hakkar
SPC Maxon Fallgan
SPC Zavock Cierne
TPR Sibrius Brewmaster

Areas Patrolled: N/A
Initial Contact: N/A


Contact Report

Enemy Encountered: N/A
Friendly/Neutral Encountered: N/A

Contact Summary:

At 2100hrs, Fight Night commenced at SPC Eroca Romaniski's stronghold on Nar Shaddaa. All willing participates traveled to the Smuggler's Moon, eager to begin the festivities. Once assembled, SPC Romaniski showed her fellow Acoy members around her home, which she had specially outfitted for the event, before descending to the arena. The arena was massive, placed on a floating dock level with the bottom floor of the stronghold. Four statues stood proud, creating a perimeter of sorts for the area. Luxury lounge chairs lined the sides of the dueling ring, giving the soldiers plenty of opportunities to sit, relax and rewind. As soon as she was ready SPC Eroca explained the rules of the night, before setting up the first fight between Aradow and Zavock. She collected all bets and the duel begin as soon as the soldiers were ready. Even though it was close, Zavock was the clear victor of the first round. Next, 1SG Mahr and SPC Hakkar fought, commando against vanguard; Etilus was the winner. In the following duel, SPC Eroca managed to defeat TPR SIbrius

The duels kept going on like this for a hour or so, until the four soldiers with the best record faced off: Aradow against Maxon and Zavock against Etilus. Aradow and Etilus both won their matches respectively leaving just one fight left until a Fight Night Champion was crowned. After a well fought duel, Aradow managed to strike the killing blow, thus becoming the winner of the night.

SPC Eroca informed everyone that formal event was over, but they were free to stick around.

Positive Points:
  • A lot of great fights happened.
  • I was happy with the amount of people that attended.
  • The event stayed within it's time restraints.
  • Aradow received a Hutt Cantina Skiff from my cargo hold.
Negative Points:
  • My original plan for the night was altered due to attendance, therefore I had to come up with alternate ways to set up the duels.
  • It took too long between duels to collect bets.

Overall Assessment and Recommendation:
Once talking to a few participates afterward, I've come to the conclusion that I would like to do something of this sort again, possibly in March. I had fun and I thought the whole thing to be entertaining.


Report Filed By: SPC Eroca Romaniski