Division of the Republic Army
After Action Report
Unit Information

Unit: Alpha Company, 203rd REL
C.O.: MAJ Qorbin Oca
Deployment Report
Planet: Ilum
Formation Size: 11
Troops in Formation:
1LT Ricky Rakehell
1SG Kjvago Mahr
SGT Nakari Kass’l
CPL Illumori Victus
SPC Addelle Celeste
SPC Aradow Cabur
SPC Frank Honorem
SPC Roran Starfollower
SPC Thavious Eldersign
TRP Krixus Olafsson
TPR Sibrius Brewmaster

Areas Patrolled: Eastern Ice Shelf
Initial Contact: 2000 EST
Contact Report
Enemy Encountered: <NERD RAGE>, <Talon Company>
Friendly/Neutral Encountered: None

Contact Summary:
Alpha Company formed up in the Republic Base Camp on the Eastern Ice Shelf with a mission to conduct raids on Imperial military installations in the area with the purpose of drawing out Imperial troops away from the Western Ice Shelf and any scientists or other Republic civilians who might be in the area investigating the Gree presence.

We headed North and engaged a small group of Imperials in a series of battles in the ruins to the North West of the Republic Waystation. The battles escalated in size with wins and losses on both sides. Eventually the battle shifted to the North East where the fighting shifted from pitched battles to careful maneuvering.

As the battle moved North we besieged the Imperial Base Camp for a short time until we were pushed back to the North. We retreated up a set of ancient stairs and made a stand there which was won for a short time. But the Imperials kept pressing and we were pushed further and further up the stairs until after a lengthy fighting retreat we found ourselves in a set of ruins far to the North. There we were overwhelmed and had to call a hasty retreat and regroup at the Republic Waystation.

This again turned into a back and forth battle in the ruins North West of the Waystation until through a mix of poor intel and tired troops the Imperials passed unhindered through our lines and ranged far to the South where they besieged the Republic Base Camp. We rushed back to camp and fell upon the Imperials from behind as they were engaged with the local guards and relieved the siege for a time. But the Imperials came back and settled in for a lengthy siege. We held them at the gates for a long time until the call came from command that we had distracted the Imperial forces for long enough. A negotiation party was sent out and a truce was called as the tired troops from both sides had nothing to gain from an extended stalemate and further attrition.

Positive Points:
A great turnout.
We have a new rival in the field who are excited to fight us again.

Negative Points:
Poor intel.
Inexperienced troops.
Slow maneuvering.

Overall Assessment and Recommendation:
Overall everyone did good considering how new most of you were to fighting in WPvP the way we do or to your new chosen battlefield role. The intel given by ghost squad suffered from the ghost being unfamiliar with the map, having not attended BRC before and unclear communication. During maneuvering precious seconds were lost over and over again due to slow response when given the order to move. We don’t stand around looting NPCs, we follow the commander immediately. Many opportunities were lost to us due to the combination of intel and maneuvering. Some of the newer troops made a few simple mistakes with not utilizing line of sight or not using Hold the Line when an enemy Powertech is approaching for a pull. Some of the pulls were well done by the enemy and not preventable but some were incredibly obvious and should have been countered. Focus fire and double pulls needs to be taught and drilled.
Reported Filed By: 1SG Kjvago Mahr