Division of the Republic Army
After Action Report
Unit Information
Unit: Alpha Company, 203rd REL
C.O.: MAJ Qorbin Oca
Deployment Report
Planet: Tatooine
Formation Size: 11
Troops in Formation:
1SG Kj'Vago
SGT Nakari
SGT Dronos
CPL Illumori
CPL Derzis
SPC Kiirc
SPC Katsuma
SPC Thavious
SPC Zidd
TPR Aradow
TPR Eroca
Areas Patrolled: Dune Sea, Tatooine
Initial Contact: 1900 EST
Contact Report
Enemy Encountered:
<The New Era>
<Apocalyptic Harbingers>
<Nightmare Squadron>
<Dxun Raiders>
<Cursus Honorum>
<The Imperial Armed Forces>
<Merciless Angels>
Friendly/Neutral Encountered:
<Marine Expiditionary Unit>
<System CommonWealth>
<Knight Of The Old Code>
Contact Summary:

"Afternoon 203rd, this is Sergeant Eos with a summary report on the events that took place over the weekend. A ship had crashed landed in the Dune Sea carrying large amounts of Tolium. With such a large supply of fuel, The Republic sent us out to recover the Tolium and return it back to the core systems. As we prepped for such a mission, MAJ Oca informed us prior to launch from the RWS Alrek Torik that a large force of united Imperial forces were en-route to Tatooine. A CTA was sent out to all available Republic sympathizers and allies to assist the 203rd for battle over the Tolium. Facing heavy odds, we were able to fight and hold off the Imperial forces with just enough time to save about half of the fuel. Unfortunately Imperial forces pushed us back towards Outpost Thorozan and claimed the other half of Tolium at the destroyed cargo ship. Many allied lives were lost and we honor them for their service to our beloved Republic. Imperial forces retreated to lick their wounds once the rest of the Tolium was taken.
Positive Points:
Overall, this event was a really good one. We all had fun, and enjoyed a long large WPVP fight on Tatooine. It was a pleasure to have a union of two factions fight one another for as long as it did with large numbers. That being said, it wasn't all perfect and there are a few things to consider going into another large battle.
Report Filed By: SGT Eos
After Action Report
Unit Information
Unit: Alpha Company, 203rd REL
C.O.: MAJ Qorbin Oca
Deployment Report
Planet: Tatooine
Formation Size: 11
Troops in Formation:
1SG Kj'Vago
SGT Nakari
SGT Dronos
CPL Illumori
CPL Derzis
SPC Kiirc
SPC Katsuma
SPC Thavious
SPC Zidd
TPR Aradow
TPR Eroca
Areas Patrolled: Dune Sea, Tatooine
Initial Contact: 1900 EST
Contact Report
Enemy Encountered:
<The New Era>
<Apocalyptic Harbingers>
<Nightmare Squadron>
<Dxun Raiders>
<Cursus Honorum>
<The Imperial Armed Forces>
<Merciless Angels>
Friendly/Neutral Encountered:
<Marine Expiditionary Unit>
<System CommonWealth>
<Knight Of The Old Code>
Contact Summary:

"Afternoon 203rd, this is Sergeant Eos with a summary report on the events that took place over the weekend. A ship had crashed landed in the Dune Sea carrying large amounts of Tolium. With such a large supply of fuel, The Republic sent us out to recover the Tolium and return it back to the core systems. As we prepped for such a mission, MAJ Oca informed us prior to launch from the RWS Alrek Torik that a large force of united Imperial forces were en-route to Tatooine. A CTA was sent out to all available Republic sympathizers and allies to assist the 203rd for battle over the Tolium. Facing heavy odds, we were able to fight and hold off the Imperial forces with just enough time to save about half of the fuel. Unfortunately Imperial forces pushed us back towards Outpost Thorozan and claimed the other half of Tolium at the destroyed cargo ship. Many allied lives were lost and we honor them for their service to our beloved Republic. Imperial forces retreated to lick their wounds once the rest of the Tolium was taken.
Positive Points:
- The overall turn out was fantastic. Large numbers from both factions showed this server can still properly run server events.
- We fought well against a much larger force.
- Calls were respected and answered as best they could under laggy circumstances.
- We kept good attitudes throughout the fight. As frustration as things were, overall the morale and atmosphere was kept at having fun and enjoying some game time together.
- MEU respected our comms discipline rules and we are pleased they showed good character during a hard long fight.
- Intense lag spikes were felt throughout the fight. Large numbers affected game-play and experience a bit. Execution of commands and movement was diminished during this event.
- Two operation groups were ran and it made things a little difficult to move as a unit too keep composure and numbers up via healing or tanking.
- When it came to sharing for intel, some information given was irrelevant to the situation of certain engagements. Keep in mind we must use voice comms for intel that affects the group and course of the fight, not fillers.
- During a retreat, the idea is to keep the unit back-peddling towards the new zone for safety while facing the enemy to keep DPS active.
- RP etiquette was not held to a degree. Keep in mind we cannot control everyone in the event or pvp battle, if companions are used by the enemy, then so be it. Lets not comment on it, keep composure and do respect the enemy even if they do not share the same point of view.
Overall, this event was a really good one. We all had fun, and enjoyed a long large WPVP fight on Tatooine. It was a pleasure to have a union of two factions fight one another for as long as it did with large numbers. That being said, it wasn't all perfect and there are a few things to consider going into another large battle.
- Performance will be much lower when it comes to large scale fights. How to adapt? We use Ghost Recon to position themselves on a said location just beyond 50 meters from the enemy. The reason is the have Ghost Recon guide the large forces into a safe zone where the group can load the entire enemy force and reduce initial lag spikes when engaging. This will allow ourselves to render and accommodate for the large population. Ghost Recon can move away from the rally point once the Patrol Leader arrives with his or her forces.
- Recommend a course or class on how to properly retreat during a fight.
Report Filed By: SGT Eos