Division of the Republic Army
After Action Report
Boot Camp
Unit Information
Unit: Alpha Company, 203rd REL
C.O.: MAJ Qorbin Oca
Deployment Report
Alpha Company training Grounds,Yavin lV
Western Ice Shelf, Ilum
Formation Size: 10
Troops in Formation:
1LT Galon (retired)
1SG Mahr
SGT Andriss
CPL Victus
CPL Derzelas
SPC Rubeus
SPC Kegawa
TPR Cierne
Course Report: Combat Medicine
Instructor: CPL Illumori Victus

"Greetings, this was your instructor, Corporal Victus, for the Combat Medicine Class. It was a pleasure to pass along valuable information on the importance of medicinal items being used on the field. I look forward to teaching you more about kolto, etc. and also providing on the spot demonstrations in the weeks and months ahead. Until next time. Fight As One."
Class Summary:
The class on Combat Medicine went smoothly and all points were covered. We covered information kolto, Bacta, and the methods in which they are used in combat scenarios.
Positive Points:
Report Filed By: CPL Illumori Victus
Course Report: Combat Protection
Instructor: SGT Kateri Andriss

"Loyalty, trust, and protecting each-other's six at all times. These were emphasized in my Combat Protection Class. With basic knowledge passed to each attendee, I helped reinforce the knowledge you need on the field when working with or being a Shield Specialist. This is your Sergeant Kateri Andriss reporting in and reminding all 203rd members, to not just protect as one but also Fight As One."
Class Summary:
The class covered various topics pertaining to shield specialists, including role, strategy, and equipment. Emphasis was placed on the importance of "guarding" squadmates, and on the importance of the shield specialist maintaining a good awareness of the battlefield at all times. A demonstration of the effectiveness of guarding took place, with TPR Zavock and an Imperial double agent participating in the demonstration.
Positive Points:
This was a good first class, but some of the class plan might need tweaking. Information on taunting, for example, might have been useful. Also, considering that most attendees there were not shield specialists, information on how one can work effectively with a shield specialist would have been good to have in the class as well.
Report Filed By: SGT Kateri Andriss
Course Report: Combat Drills
Instructor: SGT Dronos Eos

"Sergeant Eos reporting in here. As Alpha Company continues to progress ahead in this Galactic War, we must find new ways to test our limits. With the assistance from fellow Republic allies, we were able to demonstrate teamwork, adaptability, and aggressive tactics to overcome each drill presented to the Company for this Boot Camp. I look forward to working with my fellow brothers and sisters in creating new ways to test our limits. As always, Fight As one."
Allies in Attendance:
In this part of the boot-camp, we focused on three different drills out on the planet of Ilum. The Western Ice Shelf was selected as our location for these drills, where focused on teamwork, communication, and overall execution of the targets goals given.
Reclaiming a Fallen Walker
The purpose of this drill was to have a strike team recover valuable information from a fallen Republic Walker. With enemy opposition attempting to defend the valued Walker, the 203rd was instructed under specific time limit to defeat the enemy and reclaim the Walker with minimal casualties.
Positive Points:
Negative Points:
Overall it was a good first run for this drill to be presented for the Company. There some mistakes on the part of SGT Eos on how to present the drill in a more "simpler" way. As a result of that, going into future drills, the team will be better instructed on the purpose of the drill. I recommend this drill be done again at a future 'Boot Camp' because it does have the potential to be even more entertaining that what was experienced.
Hostage Abduction
The purpose of this drill was to have a strike team recover valued hostage from enemy terrorists. The terrorists were to keep the hostage in their hands for upwards of 3 minutes from the strike assembled by the attendees. For the "Strike team", they had to have saved the hostage under the 3 min. limit before the hostage was executed. Also, they mission was to also elminate all terrorists in the fortified tower with causing minimal to no damage to the hostage.
Positive Points:
Negative Points:
The drill itself is an excellent idea to create parameters for small groups of ACoy members to get together and formulate a plan under a time limit. The "Terrorists" are good way to have a defensive RP arc to the drill, giving it a bit a of a more "real" experience to it all. Overall for a first time run, the drill went really good. Nothing is perfect however, the drill itself will be revisited at a later "Boot Camp" event with updated rules and script to create more balance to experience on both 'Strike team" and "Terrorist" sides.
King of the Hill
The purpose of this drill was to have a "Strike Team" take over a well defender location of "importance". This location was to be defended by a "terrorist" group that had taken the hill for tactical use of a battle. In this scenario, the "Strike Team" has two attempts to reclaim the hill under a 3 minute time limit. The team could not have a group larger than 4, in order promote proper selection of specializations needed for the fight.
Positive Points:
This drill will be used again. Even though the ACoy team failed to take the hill, what was shown, was the possibility that this drill can be a favorite drill to return to for future events. I was overall pleased with everyone's performance. I recommend this drill to be reviewed and return for a future "Boot Camp".
Boot Camp Assessment and Recommendation:
This was a very good day for me. Before I go into my assessment, I'd like to thank my fellow instructors and all who attended this event. I have been wanting to bring this alive for a couple months but time just wasn't on my side for the planning of it. Now to the details. There were some last minute changes that did create some distractions for the event. A last minute drop out of 5 Republic allies to assist for the event, an instructor, and mumble mics not working for our guests had me running around a bit to manage things. Some of the rules I explained were not clear, luckily it wasn't to where people just did not know what to do. Instead the event still was successful in my eyes, overall the classes were excellent as far as information given, and the drills were just a different experience for us to have. I saw a lot of good in this event, I also saw what needs to be added, and removed. In future "Boot Camp" events, there will be an improvement on the overall experience and flow of the event.
Once again thank you all for attending and to those who couldn't make it, we will have it on a different day to selected in order to maximize attendance.
Fight As One
Report Filed By: SGT Eos
After Action Report
Boot Camp
Unit Information
Unit: Alpha Company, 203rd REL
C.O.: MAJ Qorbin Oca
Deployment Report
Alpha Company training Grounds,Yavin lV
Western Ice Shelf, Ilum
Formation Size: 10
Troops in Formation:
1LT Galon (retired)
1SG Mahr
SGT Andriss
CPL Victus
CPL Derzelas
SPC Rubeus
SPC Kegawa
TPR Cierne
Course Report: Combat Medicine
Instructor: CPL Illumori Victus

"Greetings, this was your instructor, Corporal Victus, for the Combat Medicine Class. It was a pleasure to pass along valuable information on the importance of medicinal items being used on the field. I look forward to teaching you more about kolto, etc. and also providing on the spot demonstrations in the weeks and months ahead. Until next time. Fight As One."
Class Summary:
The class on Combat Medicine went smoothly and all points were covered. We covered information kolto, Bacta, and the methods in which they are used in combat scenarios.
Positive Points:
- Several individuals voiced their happiness with the course
- Troopers are now better educated on combat medicine
- Most of the class was lecture, without demonstrations
- Practical in-field information was lacking
- Overran time limit
Report Filed By: CPL Illumori Victus
Course Report: Combat Protection
Instructor: SGT Kateri Andriss

"Loyalty, trust, and protecting each-other's six at all times. These were emphasized in my Combat Protection Class. With basic knowledge passed to each attendee, I helped reinforce the knowledge you need on the field when working with or being a Shield Specialist. This is your Sergeant Kateri Andriss reporting in and reminding all 203rd members, to not just protect as one but also Fight As One."
Class Summary:
The class covered various topics pertaining to shield specialists, including role, strategy, and equipment. Emphasis was placed on the importance of "guarding" squadmates, and on the importance of the shield specialist maintaining a good awareness of the battlefield at all times. A demonstration of the effectiveness of guarding took place, with TPR Zavock and an Imperial double agent participating in the demonstration.
Positive Points:
- Good participation. Attendees understood the material and answered well on questions even if certain material had not been covered yet.
- The class was a good length - not too short or long. A good amount of information was presented, but the class did not drag on too long.
- There are some topics (such as "taunting") that could have been covered. Knowledge of using taunts effectively (even for non shield specialists) might have led to better results in the drills that took place later during the boot camp.
This was a good first class, but some of the class plan might need tweaking. Information on taunting, for example, might have been useful. Also, considering that most attendees there were not shield specialists, information on how one can work effectively with a shield specialist would have been good to have in the class as well.
Report Filed By: SGT Kateri Andriss
Course Report: Combat Drills
Instructor: SGT Dronos Eos

"Sergeant Eos reporting in here. As Alpha Company continues to progress ahead in this Galactic War, we must find new ways to test our limits. With the assistance from fellow Republic allies, we were able to demonstrate teamwork, adaptability, and aggressive tactics to overcome each drill presented to the Company for this Boot Camp. I look forward to working with my fellow brothers and sisters in creating new ways to test our limits. As always, Fight As one."
Allies in Attendance:
- <Celestial Argonauts>
- Blizer AKA Darkhawk of <Marine Expeditionary Unit>
In this part of the boot-camp, we focused on three different drills out on the planet of Ilum. The Western Ice Shelf was selected as our location for these drills, where focused on teamwork, communication, and overall execution of the targets goals given.
Reclaiming a Fallen Walker
The purpose of this drill was to have a strike team recover valuable information from a fallen Republic Walker. With enemy opposition attempting to defend the valued Walker, the 203rd was instructed under specific time limit to defeat the enemy and reclaim the Walker with minimal casualties.
Positive Points:
- Teams were selected quickly
- Recon was used correctly
- The attack itself was flawless, the team sued overwhelming power and positioning to its advantage.
Negative Points:
- Minor confusion of when the time limit started or not
- Last minute switches to the entire drill due to a call out.
- Make teams more even so that the "Strike Team" would have to make adjustments on the field during the engagement.
Overall it was a good first run for this drill to be presented for the Company. There some mistakes on the part of SGT Eos on how to present the drill in a more "simpler" way. As a result of that, going into future drills, the team will be better instructed on the purpose of the drill. I recommend this drill be done again at a future 'Boot Camp' because it does have the potential to be even more entertaining that what was experienced.
Hostage Abduction
The purpose of this drill was to have a strike team recover valued hostage from enemy terrorists. The terrorists were to keep the hostage in their hands for upwards of 3 minutes from the strike assembled by the attendees. For the "Strike team", they had to have saved the hostage under the 3 min. limit before the hostage was executed. Also, they mission was to also elminate all terrorists in the fortified tower with causing minimal to no damage to the hostage.
Positive Points:
- An excellent show up of fellow Republic allies to be the terrorists for our drill.
- The team worked well together to rush and surprise the terrorists
- Communication overall was good, good use of the voice-comms to plan the attack
Negative Points:
- The hostage died
- Miscommunication with the time start for the "Terrorists"
- Make teams more even so that the "Strike Team" would have to make adjustments on the field during the engagement.
The drill itself is an excellent idea to create parameters for small groups of ACoy members to get together and formulate a plan under a time limit. The "Terrorists" are good way to have a defensive RP arc to the drill, giving it a bit a of a more "real" experience to it all. Overall for a first time run, the drill went really good. Nothing is perfect however, the drill itself will be revisited at a later "Boot Camp" event with updated rules and script to create more balance to experience on both 'Strike team" and "Terrorist" sides.
King of the Hill
The purpose of this drill was to have a "Strike Team" take over a well defender location of "importance". This location was to be defended by a "terrorist" group that had taken the hill for tactical use of a battle. In this scenario, the "Strike Team" has two attempts to reclaim the hill under a 3 minute time limit. The team could not have a group larger than 4, in order promote proper selection of specializations needed for the fight.
Positive Points:
- With reduced numbers, the team did well to withstand the heavy fire of the ones defending.
- Voice-comms were used to: create a good team for the fight, communicate on the spot shot-calls, and verbalize strategies out-loud.
- The hill was not taken over by the "Strike Team".
- With reduced numbers, the team did struggle in the latter part of the fight.
- Unable to get another try for the drill, the event itself was already hitting 2 hours plus.
This drill will be used again. Even though the ACoy team failed to take the hill, what was shown, was the possibility that this drill can be a favorite drill to return to for future events. I was overall pleased with everyone's performance. I recommend this drill to be reviewed and return for a future "Boot Camp".
Boot Camp Assessment and Recommendation:
This was a very good day for me. Before I go into my assessment, I'd like to thank my fellow instructors and all who attended this event. I have been wanting to bring this alive for a couple months but time just wasn't on my side for the planning of it. Now to the details. There were some last minute changes that did create some distractions for the event. A last minute drop out of 5 Republic allies to assist for the event, an instructor, and mumble mics not working for our guests had me running around a bit to manage things. Some of the rules I explained were not clear, luckily it wasn't to where people just did not know what to do. Instead the event still was successful in my eyes, overall the classes were excellent as far as information given, and the drills were just a different experience for us to have. I saw a lot of good in this event, I also saw what needs to be added, and removed. In future "Boot Camp" events, there will be an improvement on the overall experience and flow of the event.
Once again thank you all for attending and to those who couldn't make it, we will have it on a different day to selected in order to maximize attendance.
Fight As One
Report Filed By: SGT Eos