Division of the Republic Army
After Action Report
Unit Information
Unit: 203rd REL "Alpha Company"
C.O.: MAJ Qorbin Oca

Deployment Report

Planet: Dune Sea, Tatooine
Formation Size: 12 Troopers
Troops in Formation:
<Alpha Company>
MAJ Qorbin
1LT Zidd
1LT Riike
1SG Kj'vago
1SG Ricky
SGT Nakari
CPL Dronos
CPL Derzis
CPL Illumori
SPC Thavious (Thak)
TPR Gorale

Allies in Formation:
MAJ Oli <Marine Expeditionary Unit>
CPT Calorie <Marine Expeditionary Unit>

Several other Republic citizens assisted in the fight at various points of the battle. They died serving our beloved Republic. Letters have been sent out to their families.

Areas Patrolled:

Thorazan Outpost, Dune Sea
Outpost Zaroshe, Dune Sea

Initial Contact: 1715 hours. CTA at 1730 hours


Contact Report

Enemy Encountered: <Aliit Rodarch>, several Imperial sympathizers and rogue mercenaries were spotted and killed throughout the fight.

Friendly/Neutral Encountered:

<Marine Expeditionary Unit>
Several other Republic citizens assisted in the fight at various points of the battle. They died serving our beloved Republic. Letters have been sent out to their families.

Contact Summary:

At 1715 hours, MAJ Oli of Marine Expiditionary Unit (MEU), sent out a request for assistance at the Thorazan Outpost. They were outnumbered, so Alpha Co. sent out an assault group to assist. STG Nakari, CPL Derzis, CPL Eos, and TPR Gorale took over command of the defensive armed-forces already stationed at the outpost. MEU provided intel on the Mandalorians, Aliit Rodarch, and their reasons for the raids. Mandalorian raiders were hitting the outpost for resources and kidnapping of younglings. SGT Nakari began sending out orders to begin an assault the Mandalorians. MEU, Republic citizens, and the 203rd began a frontal attack against the invaders. With success, our focus fire we were able to eliminate the Mandalorians from Thorazan. We healed our wounded, and mounted up on speeders to catch and kill any stragglers running on foot.

The Alpha Co. lead coalition group charged towards a pirate controlled outpost between Thorazan and Zaroshe Outpost. The assault group cleared the path and waited for any possible retaliation. The Mandalorians gathered a larger force of their 'vode' and Imperial allies. A force twice as large than the first group, gathered and charged the Alpha Co. lead group. We were severely overwhelmed by the increased firepower. A tactical retreat had to happen to save lives and heal up for another defensive hold against the raiders.

CTA was called at 1730 hours

Alpha Co. troopers responded to the call with MAJ Oca taking charge of the Alpha Co lead coalition with CPT Mij assisting lead on the group. 1SG Ricky and 1LT Riike provided eyes and intel across the Dune Sea path between Thorazan and Zaroshe Outposts respectively. 1LT Zidd and CPL Dronos provide target calls for the entire group. The Republic group gathered at the entrance of Thorazan looking out to the newly bolstered forces of the Mandalorian clan looking down from the top of the sand dune. Regional scanners were launched in front and around the coalition as the call to charge was sent out. With effective target calls, Alpha Co. and its allies quickly picked off and eliminated the second group of Mandalorians.

With a hard push, the 203rd led group charged towards Outpost Zaroshe to finish off the Mandalorians and their allies. They held on pushing our troops back away from the Zaroshe borders for about an hour before focus fire was directed against the Outpost's main defensive Sith guardians. Once the Sith were eliminated, Alpha Co rushed into the outpost and took over a vacant hut. Using cover from the hut, Alpha Co. defended and destroyed enemy lines from its main landing zone. Many enemies were killed, Alpha Company was victorious in hurting enemy morale.

1SG Ricky reported one final attack heading towards Outpost Thorazan. Alpha Co. quickly escaped and traveled out of Zaroshe to track down and surprise the Mandalorians by waiting for them at Thorazan ready to defend. The Mandalorians, were tired, flustered, and disorganized as Alpha Co. charged with expert coordination and composure to kill off their final attack. Ghost Recon confirmed, no more forces were around, ending the CTA and freeing Thorazan from yet another attack.

Positive Points:
  • Great target calls
  • A united large group 12 troopers strong responded to the CTA.
  • No one got flustered, the group as a whole stayed focused and listen to suggestions and orders.
  • Great intel fed by recon team: Numbers of the enemy, their activity behavior was reported well, and tactical disadvantages were passed long to be exploited by our team.
  • Everyone knew their roles and performed well in them.
  • COMM discipline was great, no one over shouting the lines, and respected each member's idea or suggestion.
  • We were victorious on this day.
Negative Points:
  • Several troopers did not make into the hut in time when orders were called out. Quicker response needed for acute decisions.
Overall Assessment and Recommendation: Overall this was a great victory for Alpha Co. and its allies. This CTA response showed that we still control this system and will help those in need. Public perception once again shows Alpha Co. is a light for the Republic and an unbeatable obstacle against her Imperial rivals. Future CTA's like this will continue to reinforce our presence in the galaxy.

The following personnel are being recommended for commendation:
  • All members present for this CTA are recommended for the Legion of Combat due to the efficiency and effectiveness the unit had in maneuvering and executing battlefield tactics. All orders were followed instantly and willingly, even when the orders involved battlefield tactics difficult to implement in large groups, which was vital to the victory of the CTA.
  • All members present for this event are recommended for the Combined Arms Medal due to their professionalism and discipline displayed while engaging in combat operations with friendly Republic units.
  • 1SG Ricky Rakehell is being recommended for the Medal of Communication due to his accurate enemy force evaluation, terrain evaluation, and for communicating information to the patrol leader that was vital to the victory of the CTA.
  • MAJ Oca is being recommended for the Medal of Communication due to his quick thinking and communication with the Assault Groups to charge enemy forces when they showed weakness, and when calling out a charge to their vacant hut within the Zaroshe Outpost.

Report Filed By:
Corporal Dronos Eos
1st Sq. 2nd Plt.
Alpha Co. 203rd REL