As players enter the server and or leave it, I see this as an opportunity for those who are gearing out to max ranked gear to begin Qing solo and team ranked.
As some of the hardcore players are leaving and new players coming in, Acoy can swing into ranked ratings with better success and practice.
With many people staying in the pvp community, I can reach out to imp players to be active as our members get gear.
Jung MA will be in a good state come 3.3
I'll definitely do my part to help the guildies and reach to other for ranked.
As some of the hardcore players are leaving and new players coming in, Acoy can swing into ranked ratings with better success and practice.
With many people staying in the pvp community, I can reach out to imp players to be active as our members get gear.
Jung MA will be in a good state come 3.3
I'll definitely do my part to help the guildies and reach to other for ranked.