Appendix #3 : Glossary and Acronyms
Glossary Index |
A - | B - | C - | D - | E - | F - | G - | H - | I - | J - | K - | L - | M |
N - | O - | P - | Q - | R - | S - | T - | U - | V - | W - | X - | Y - | Z |
Acronyms |
A - | B - | C - | D - | E - | F - | G - | H - | I - | J - | K - | L - | M |
N - | O - | P - | Q - | R - | S - | T - | U - | V - | W - | X - | Y - | Z |
Add: a Creature that adds into an existing fight against you.
AFK Spam: The macroed messages (usually advertisments) that players who are AFK send out. See also spam.
Aggro: Abbreviation of aggressive or aggravate.
Aggressive: MOB's that usually attack players that come within distance, often without the player intiating battle. For example, Krayt Dragons are aggro and will attack players whom get to close to them.
Aggravate: Making a MOB want to attack players. For example, you can aggro a Bol (which are timid) by attacking thier lair.
Alt: Alternate Character - A character that someone plays but is not their main, indicating that they do not spend the most time with this character.
Area of Effect: a special or ability that affects all targets within a certain range.
Avatar: Another name the Devs use when referring to player characters (Players sometimes refer to them as Toons).
- To the Top -B
Badges: Text strings that are awarded to the player by fulfilling various requirements. They can be seen from the character sheet, or the examine window.
Bot: A character run entirely by macro who does not have a human player actively playing them.
Buff: An enhancement to a character's statistics that makes them stronger for a period of time. Usually in reference to spices, doctor enhancements and entertainer enhancements. Some foods and drinks also apply enhancements to stats, and are sometimes included in the general term "buff."
Buffing: The act of applying a buff.
- To the Top -C
Cap: The artifitial limit to a stat on a weapon or skill modifier.
Camping: When a player sits by a spawn point waiting for an NPC to spawn so they can kill it. In SWG this activity is accepted or frowned upon, depending on the spawn. Sometimes players will sit for hours waiting for a spawn.
Creature Level: A scale that denotes a creature's relative strength.
Customer Service Representative: CSR's are contacted in-game via a menu option, to solve technical issues or glitches.
- To the Top -D
Damage Per Second: This is a calculation to determine how much damage a particular weapon does over time, taking into account average damage and weapon speed. Examining weapons now gives a base DPS in order to quickly compare between weapons. Once you have purchased a weapon, the Modified DPS takes into account skill mods that increase your weapon speed, in order to give a more accurate estimate of the damage per second.
Drops: A term often associated with loot. Often used in sentences such as; "Who drops crystals?", or "This creature drops ..."
- To the Top -E
Exploiter: A term used for someone who willingly uses a game bug exploit to "cheat" the system.
- To the Top -F
Farming: The action of killing the same creatures or NPC's over and over again to collect a large amount of the same loot reward. Also used to gain a lot of Faction Points or experience.
- To the Top -G
Gank: A rather flexible PvP term usually used when a group of players kills a single player. It also indicates an unfair advantage.
Gank Squad: A group of players that gank (Used sarcastically). See Gank.
Griefing: The act of making someone else's play experience unenjoyable. Griefing is a highly subjective term and largely depends on the point of view of the victim.
Grinding: A slang term in regards to leveling up a character that indicates repetitive and boring gameplay.
Guild: See Player Association.
- To the Top -H
Heads Up Display: Your primary interface with chat windows, toolbars and status displays.
- To the Top -I
In Another Window: Used to tell someone you did not see or recieve a tell, chat, or other action because you couldn't see the SWG interface because it was minimized or hidden by another window.
- To the Top -J
- To the Top -K
Kiting: A tactic used by NPC's and players using ranged weapons to keep an enemy at a distance. It is is done by using a ranged weapon while moving away from an attacking NPC or enemy player while they chase you. The NGE removed the targeting system for players, kiting has become more difficult. Yet, NPC's were not effected by this change.
- To the Top -L
Line-Dead (or Link-Dead): This means that a player has either lost his connection to Star Wars Galaxies or has disconnected. When a player disconnects intentionally their character will disappear shortly after the (LD) tag appears. If they lost connection the character will remain for a longer time and they player will often try to reconnect.
- To the Top -M
Macro:A series of commands that can be executed in sequence by a single key stroke. Macros can call other macros, so they can be written into a loop and be repeated indefinitely. A macro can be highly usefull to entertainers who wish to preform a series of flourishes in sequince without wearing there fingers out, or by Hunters for buffing and debuffing, equipping or changing sets of armor, or changing weapons and preforming actions in a single key stroke. More information HERE. Macros are also used by bots and public spammers who believe they serve a function in the game.
Main: A player's primary character; IE the character they spend the most time playing.
- To the Top -N
Nerf: A drastic reduction in power or usefulness of an in-game ability, profession, or item. The term "nerf" was originally used to specifically describe a game weapon whose power had been drastically reduced through the introduction of a game patch; For example a modern automatic rifle being converted into a "Nerf" toy gun. This term is now applied by players of games to any area of a game that has been altered, including any developer act of fixing or altering an in-game object. Correcting a bug that lead to an overpowered weapon ( is not a nerf; it's a bug fix.
Noob: Newbie: A player who has or seems like they have just begun playing Star Wars Galaxies. Often used in a derrogatory fashion.
- To the Top -O
- To the Top -P
Player Association: Are formal, permanent group of players. A Player Association (PA) has at least 5 members, one of each is the PA Leader. Most Player Associations have a Guild Hall; the Guild Hall is needed to create and manage the PA (an existing PA can survive without a Guild Hall, but will not be able to recruit new members and manage current members). The purpose of a PA can be to group characters sharing the same profession (example: Bounty Hunters PA), the same faction (Imperial / Rebel PA), or just be a group of people wanting to do various things together.
Player Character: is a character controlled by a player, as an opposition to NPC, Non-Player Character, which is controlled by the game system.
Publish: When a whole lot of content and bug fixes are pushed out by the devs at once. Typically each publish has a theme. Mini Publishes are smaller, in-between publishes with some extra content and fixes, often to a previous main publish. Mini publishes are numbered after the main publish they follow, such as 11.1 or 11.2.
Player versus Environment: Combat that does not involve Player versus Player, but players against creatures or NPCs and their lairs/camps.
- To the Top -Q
Quest: A Quest is a task given to you by an NPC. Usually after you complete the required steps, you receive some sort of reward (experience, credits, or maybe even an item of great worth). A quest in the strict sense, is a task recorded in your Quest Journal; as distinguished from a Mission. Quests can be simple ("talk to Frank in Hobokin, then return to me") or more complex ("collect information from these three sources; after reporting back, collect more info from this other source; report all this to my boss").
- To the Top -R
Roleplay: This is where you play your character as he/she/it would act and not how you would act. This way of playing makes the game feel more like Middle Earth and less like a game.
- To the Top -S
Spam: The act of filling the chat windows with a lot of text, or repeating the same message over and over in rapid succession. Also a large amount of hawking wares is considered spam. Spam is considered HIGHLY annoying and should be avoided. You can add spammers to your ignore list to avoid seeing any spatial made by that character. See also AFK Spam.
Spammer: A person who spams: e.g. someone outside a city repeating advertising.
Spawn: When a NPC loads into the game world. Also a short hand variation of spawn point.
Spawn Point: The location where an NPC spawns into the game world.
- To the Top -T
Tank: A role in group combat. The tank will attempt to be the one to take damage from the the enemy. With the AI hate system, this means that they must be the one dealing adaquate damage or Taunting the enemy to keep it attacking the tank.
Toon: A player character.
- To the Top -U
- To the Top -V
Veteran: Vet or veteran, is a term for players that have played for a vast amount of time. Those that have played for a year are considered to be, "One-Year Vets".
- To the Top -W
Waypoint: An in-game marker of a certain point of travel. You can place waypoints with the "/wayp" or "/way" command, or /waypoint followed by an x coordinate and y coordinate.
- To the Top -X
XP: Experience Points. Needed to advance in your profession's skill tree. Experience is usually gained by doing Quests, killing Creatures & Enemies, or flying space missions. Also referred to as EXP
- To the Top -Y
- To the Top -Z
Zerg: A large group of players who usually outnumber their opponents. This typically also involves cloning and attacking over and over, often without healing or buffing first, in an attempt to win via sheer numbers. This term originated from the game Starcraft, in which the Zerg race did just that.
- To the Top -Acronyms
AFK: Away from Keyboard
AoE: Area of Effect
ATM: At the Moment
ASAP: As Soon As Possible
AWOL: Absence Without Leave
BBS: Be back soon.
BRB: Be right Back
BRT: Shorthand for 'be right there'
CL: Combat Level, Creature Level
CSR: Customer Service Representative
DOT: Damage Over Time
DPS: Damage Per Second
ELoA: Extended Leave of Absence
EXP: Experience Points
FD: Feign Death
- To the Top -G
- To the Top -H
HUD: Heads Up Display
- To the Top -I
IAW: In Another Window
IGN: In Game Name
- To the Top -K
- To the Top -L
LD: Line-Dead (or Link-Dead)
LFG: Looking for Group.
LOL: Laugh out Loud
LOS: Line of Sight
LTB: Looking to Buy
LTS: Looking to Sell
LTT: Looking to Trade
MMORPG: Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game
- To the Top -N
NPC: Non player character(s)
- To the Top -O
OIC: "Oh, I see"
OMG: "Oh my God.'
OMW: "On my way."
PA: Player Association
PC: Player Character
PST: Please Send Tell
PvE: Player versus Environment
PvP: Player versus Player
QFE: Quoted for Emphasis
- To the Top -R
ROFL: Roll on the Floor Laughing
RP: Short for Roleplaying, Roleplayer, or Roleplay.
SitRap: Situation Report
STFU: Shut the F*** Up
- To the Top -U
- To the Top -V
- To the Top -W
WP: Short for Waypoint.
WTA: Want to Auction.
WTB: Want to Buy, Willing to Buy
WTF: What the F***?
WTS: Want to Sell
WTT: Want to Trade.
- To the Top -Y
- To the Top -Z
- To the Top -
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